Wednesday 2 May 2012

How to combat the loneliness of having a home based business

Second Income Secrets: Ex Teacher, Mark N Hopgood explains how to create an ongoing income

Combat Loneliness
I often speak to people who run businesses either full time part time or when generating a second income.
Many times I hear about isolation or loneliness of doing this. You can watch as many videos and read so many books, but the really powerful way to sustain your second income is to join a Mastermind Group.

Here's a picture of our recent Mastermind Group we call Diamond Training.

A support group of like minded people who want to change their situation by increasing their income and helping others. That's what we're about.

If you are open to exploring the opportunity of creating a second income, please contact
Mark N Hopgood and Sue Hopgood now.

US phone: 904 638 9046
UK phone: 07767 875 550
skype: text, chat and voice  mark.hopgood

Wednesday 7 March 2012

using attraction in network marketing to promote any business

Here's a copy of a recent email, 
once again a switched on networker wanting to take advantage of promoting their network marketing opportunity on the web.

Hello Amy,

Here's the info I have on building semi online and using meetup.

Firstly I'm a bit of a tech head so if there's anything too technical in here let me know.

I set up an in between page that can help me with page rankings on MonaVie. This way I get people calling me up and asking to join.

I use meetup by contacting the people in the group personally and identitfying who wants what.

I have set up the inbetween page - powerpage through the following.
Click the link on the youtube video.

You can set up your page by clicking join afterwards.

I championed the technique of getting a google front page rank within 2 hours.
But it was a little technical, hence getting it automated with the above system.

You can view an example power page at the following.

These are both inbetween pages for my monavie business.

By all means start a meetup group, but don't start one with MonaVie name in it - monavie compliance could ask you to shut down.

Hope this helps.

skype: mark.hopgood

Thursday 16 February 2012

How to tell if a home based business opportunity is real or a scam.

At Second Income Secrets, we reveal some of the scams that are out there and in particular what to look out for from a legal perspective when considering a home based business.

How to decide if an opportunity is real? Attend a meeting, speak to others and contact an Executive Leader.

Myth1: Direct Sales is about Sales
I sometimes get the question is it sales, less so now because I have followed a simple 3 step inviting process.
Essentially if you work from home, you usually are providing some communication as part of a process. Is this sales? If the customer buys direct from you, yes. However most home based business opportunities are about spreading the word about an opportunity, product or service. Direct sales is when a potential customer buys direct from the supplier. You don't fulfill the order, but you do get a comission. Any business requires people to communicate either by website, email, text, phone or face to face. Do you have a problem with that?
The following video also talks about what's legal and what's not.
watch Randy Schroeder's evolution of network marketing - a 100 year old work from home industry.

Myth2: I shouldn't have to put money up front, should I?
Let's be honest, even if you go do a regular job, you have to put money up front. You have to pay to go to the interview ( transport, clothes, phone calls, paper, stamps ) and with a regular job you have to pay your transport costs up front in. Example Sevenoaks to London annual train pass: £3,604. Also if you have to talk about a product or service or share it with others, you need it to show / share. However, what if it's something not everyone likes or you like? Does this present problem number 2.

watch Randy Schroeder talk about the importance of choosing the right product

Myth3: All home based business opportunities are scams, right?
A regular JOB exploits the worker for the benefit of the company and shareholders. After all the primary purpose of any business is to make money. If you have a problem with that, go start a co-op. However, some businesses are fairer than others. The fundamental principles of Community Commerce dictate that 50% of revenues are fed back to the distributors. Is this wrong? Up to you to decide, but here we have an opportunity that is paying out

But how can I tell if it is real?
Well there is only one real way to tell if an opportunity is real. Social proof. This means it's not what the company says but the people involved. Only they can show you. The more people you speak to the better the picture you can create - that will help you decide.

Some key pointers of a real opportunity. Questions to ask.

Do they make money for people?
Do they help people make money?

Do they make it easy? Is there a system?
What are independent organisations like the direct sales association say about them?
Are they on the inc 500 list?

If you have a particular question then I'd be happy to answer or research for you.

Mark N Hopgood, Executive Leader
skype: mark.hopgood

is it networking? What is networking? Speaking to people, connecting with people. Making friends first and if they have a need they will tell you. If it's an additional income or better health or more time.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Another thing my 7 year old son taught me today

I love being a dad - I get to do things I wouldn't be able to do otherwise. Because I get to drop my boys off to school in the morning and pick them up, I'm often speaking to them about what they did during their day and what they like doing.

My Son Showing me the way on a recent treasure hunt

Well the other day we were walking back and it was a Tuesday. This is when they normally do swimming and my 7 year old who doesn't really like swimming said that he'd swum a width of the pool. Wow, I thought. His Tuesday practice with school must have made a difference.

I asked him if it was the practise. He said no, he'd just decided to start swimming. I asked him what made him decide. He said he was fed up of having floats thrown at him, and all he was doing was just treading water. He just decided to act.

That's the challenge with many people that come my way. They are fed up of just treading water in their lives and want to act. Do something different. I show them a way to generate a second income with a friendly supportive team. I find that people that are ready to take the plunge in the deep end find it easier to do so when there is a lifeguard near by.

The reason I wrote this blog is so that it will inspire my team and anyone who is just about to dive in that they may be encouraged.

Mark N Hopgood
07767 875 550 (UK)
904 638 9046 (US)
mark.hopgood (skype)

What makes a home based business opportunity

There is really only one factor in success for a home business. That's belief. But how do you build belief.
How do you improve an opportunity's believability?

As a professional Network Marketer and practitioner of Community Commerce, I speak to many people each week and I've heard it all.

Some recent examples people have told me about...
Send money to people at the end of the letter.
Cycle cash systems online.
Send £15 in an envelope to receive details.

What's different in our opportunity is that every month a new millionaire is created, but we work together as a team. It's the social proof aspect that is unavoidable. Unless you are working with a team to help sustain your energy, you will burn out.

This is one of the principles I learned as a traditional business owner. In Michael Gerber's book the E-Myth the brothers who are starting a business decide to plan out their business in advance.

With that in mind our opportunity we have chosen gives us all the support we need and all the major functions such as delivery fulfilment and our role is to introduce people to the products and services. A totally scalable and believable business.

The challenge then is deciding when to get started.
My next blog post is on decision making

Mark N Hopgood
07767 875 550 (UK)
904 638 9046 (USA)
mark.hopgood (Skype)

Saturday 26 November 2011

Teachers Pension beating secret

Teachers are great at getting things done, on time. I have been helping teachers to use this skill to their advantage.

While the teachers pension may not be great, it allows them to do one thing that many others can't.Boost it and create a second income.

For more details on this, contact

904 638 9046 (US)
07767 875 550 (UK)

Mark and Sue Hopgood
Both teachers, both have second incomes.

Friday 25 November 2011

Second Income Secrets

In this blog for the most ambitious people,
I introduce a proven system for generating a second, part time income. How big an income?
You decide, up to a limit.
What's the limit? The most one of our team members earns is more than their pension.